Congratulations’ once small for wanting to know more about Longrich Multilevel Marketing business platform. I bring to you this golden opportunity of our time – the business of the 21st century just like Robert .T. Kiyosaki the author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” called it. Multilevel Marketing traditionally called Network Marketing is another form of investment you can embank on for health and riches.
Longrich provide you with valuable natural products that are good for our health it ranges from naturally produces households goods (like toothpaste, baboon soap, cream, antiperspirant dew, mouthfreshner, mosquitoes repellant etc.) longrich have over 2000 products but am not here to tell you about the products you can check that on my longrich product slide but am here to tell you how you can make a living from this platform.
To become a distributor in this business no charge is required but you must make a onetime purchase of their products ranging from #55,000 – #600,000 you have the right to select the products of your choice, you can either sale them or use them. Your main work here is to start referring your family and friends to do the same they are called your SOCIAL CAPITALS the more people you and your team (social capitals) can pull determine your weekly payment. It’s wonderful!! You won’t understand the joy until you start earning like me they are other incentives inclusive
1. Platinum VIP incentive: (earn 1% of Longrich global sales every cycle, can be converted to travel/car/house.
2. Worldwide Incentive: (earned from Diamond 4 level and above) 2.5% of company global sales
3: Star directors’ worldwide Incentive: (earn 2.5% of company’s Global sale).
Below is the Global Longrich Compensation plan
The earnings potential in this business is huge; all that is required is DRIVE, PASSION, PERSISTENCE, and ACTION. The earnings percentages increases as you move up the marketing plan unlike in other networks that it decreases, your earnings increases and explodes as your team grows, that’s why it’s possible for a distributor who has only been in the biz for only 6 months to earn 2m monthly, qualify for trips and cars…. Performance bonus is paid on all generations till infinity. The compensation is Superb and highly generous, and will lead to true financial freedom but you must WORK to achieve it. If you wait for a perfect condition, you will never get started, the best time to start is NOW….. No time frame (no pressure), No compulsory monthly purchases (target), Weekly bonus payment {green Thursday}, Grow at your own pace, Unlimited accumulation of bonus points, Leadership easily achieved
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